Scottish Highlands and Islands includes the following postcode areas: AB1-12, AB15-29, AB36-38, AB55-56, BT, DD, DE, DG FK17-21, HS1-9, IV1-39, IV52-54, IV40-51, IV55-56, IV63, KW1-14, ML. PA1-40, PH1 -8, PH10, PH19-26, PH30-41, PH49-50, HS1-9, KA27-28, KW15-17, PA20, PA41-49, PA60-78, PH42-44, ZE1-3. We reserve the right to add/amend postcodes to this list at any stage. Delivery for these areas cannot be guaranteed for a particular day. For Next Day delivery call for availability and pricing information.