Beat My Price

Get more bang for your buck because we promise to beat anybody who offers you a better price (not physically, of course).

Beat it yeah
Okay so hands up, who loves a bargain? We bet both of your hands are in the air right now because ours sure as heck are! One of our marvellous marketing team bagged a chocolate-based BOGOF offer on her way into work this morning and we’ve all been smiling since. No doubt our chocolatey grins will be wiped away when we’re served with a hefty dental bill but who cares because there’s no better feeling than saving some cash, which is why we conjured up our own ’Beat My Price’ deal.

We can guarantee that if you are given a price that's cheaper than ours, we will find you an equivalent quality product for less and that's a promise! Think of it like us finding a Cuthbert to your Colin. If we could reach through the screen now, we would pinky promise you that we will give you a better deal. We’re discount by name and discount by nature and thanks to the close relationships we have with some of the best brands in the business, we can provide you with the best possible prices.

What's next?

If you want more information about Beat My Price simply get in touch with our wonderful sales team by sending an email to sales@dctuk.com or picking up the old dog ’n’ bone and dialing 0345 222 1544. We’re confident in our prices and even more confident that we can put a smile on your face and spare change in your pocket!
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