
The benefits of a bob on breakout space


The benefits of a bob on breakout space

Todays fast-paced way of doing things might have you feeling a little like Rihanna if it's all work, work, work, work, work, work but it's about time we hitched relaxation and down time a few notches up the priority list.

If you're currently working on an office fit out or are hoping to revamp a commercial space in the new year, you really need to consider including a great breakout space in your masterplan and I'm here to give you a nudge in all the right directions...

What exactly is a breakout space?

Breakout spaces used to be considered an unnecessary luxury back when offices stuck to the 9-5 rule and interior design was bland and purely functional. These days however, a place to get away from the hustle and bustle of the day is an absolute modern must-have.

It's a small (but not too small) corner of the office where staff can go to chill out, make a cuppa, take a break from their to-do lists, rest their eyes after hours staring into the digital abyss or even hold informal meetings and socialise quietly.

Breakout areas should no longer be an afterthought if you want to keep your eyesight tip top, your stress levels in check and your productivity flowing at its maximum potential. In order to ensure they're doing their job right though, there are a few things to keep in mind.

It's all in the interior design choices

Here at DCTUK, we've got pretty much everything you're going to need to nail your breakout environment except for the kitchen sink - literally - but think about what boxes you need ticking first.

Due to the versatile nature of these areas, you're going to want to collect a diverse selection of chairs. From tubs and two-seaters to booths and basic soft seating, we've got your breakout needs covered. View the full collection here where we've got something for every eventuality.

When it comes to flooring, we always champion the classic combo of hardwearing carpet tiles and vinyl products to easily differentiate areas and for super low level maintenance. I mean, there's going to be somebody slurping spaghetti or soup there on the hour every hour so you need to be able to keep it clean without any hassle.

Big companies like Google and Sony have set the bar pretty darn high for stylish breakout spaces but feel free to get creative with colour and texture to make it your own. Now's the time to have a little fun with your commercial interior so run with it!
