
We passed the potato test

Jon Techilovsky

Customer: "Say potato"

A big thank you to our customer Jon (not me), who visited DCTUK.com last week and was not entirely sure if the sales advisor he was chatting with was human or a bot. So he carried out his version of the Turing test which we are calling the "potato test". 

"Hi, are you human?" wrote Jon.

"I think so!" replied Dom, our commercial sales executive based in our Liverpool office.

It was at this point that Jon threw a curveball and wrote back "Say potato".

Despite being faced with many varied questions in his day to day job, this was a new one for Dom. But quick as a flash he proudly typed back "Potato".

Thankfully, our customer Jon was satisfied with this and we were able to help him with his flooring enquiry.

If you're a prospective customer, please be assured that we do not deploy bots on our livechat service (yet 👀) so you can always be confident you're getting the best in class advice from our DCTUK team. We're here Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.30pm or if Livechat isn't your thing, you can call us on 0345 222 1544.
