
Carpet tile cleaning 101


Carpet tile cleaning 101

Welcome back to the DCTUK blog! This week we’re going all Kim & Aggie on you and giving you some simple (but effective) advice on keeping your carpet tiles clean. As I explained in my blog post about the various installation methods on offer when laying a new floor, we like to keep in touch after you seal the deal and provide you with our pearls of wisdom to keep your carpet looking tip top. So sit back, relax and turn that frown upside down because maintaining your carpet tiles couldn’t be easier.

The good old vacuum cleaner

There are all kinds of crazy new cleaning products and interior grooming gadgets on the market, I mean, even Einstein might raise a bushy eyebrow at some of the inventions that are coming out of the 21st Century. However no matter how nifty a nozzle is or how molecular and magic a detergent may be, you really can’t beat a good old fashioned vacuum. Some of our carpet tiles do actually absorb moisture and reduce dust particles all by themselves but if you want to give them a once over when the in-laws are coming round for a roast, a household hoover will do the trick. The same goes for commercial interiors too - vacuums are perfectly effective at keeping the carpet in check.

Solving stubborn stains

Some of our tiles are actually made using StainSafe yarns (such as Nouveau Connections and Nouveau Cosy Toes), which means they will absorb absolutely no moisture or damaging cleaning products like bleach. However when it comes to regular carpet tiles or particularly stubborn spillages, those in the know recommend blotting and wiping with warm water and failing that, dousing in baking soda and leaving overnight to vanish the damage. This may sound like a piece of advice that somebody with ill-fitting false teeth might give you but you know what they say, mother knows best.

The last resort

One of the biggest advantages that come with choosing carpet tiles over traditional carpet rolls is that stains, scuffs and any other little mishaps are no biggie whatsoever. Picture this: you collapse onto the couch after a long week at work. You pour yourself a nice big glass of rich red wine. You swing your legs up to assume the horizontal position in front of the TV for the night and BAM - without even realising what you’ve done, there’s a dark stain seeping over your beautiful living room carpet as you clumsily knock the glass to the ground. This could either be a) the end of the world as you know it, or b) a mild inconvenience that is easily remedied…

The modular nature of carpet tiles means that they can easily removed or replaced individually without disrupting the rest of your floor so you can have ultimate peace of mind. Replacing an entire carpet would be super expensive and a whole load of hassle but with our rocket-speed delivery service, we can usually have your replacement tile(s) to you the next day so you can replace the ruined one(s) quickly, easily and for a fraction of the price. Carpet shampooing and steaming can be pretty harsh on the bank balance but with carpet tiles, you can have your floor looking as good as new and have change left in your pocket.

If you have any carpet tile cleaning tips that you’d like to share with us, feel free to comment in the box below or head over to our Twitter page @dctuk.
